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Idaho Legislative Report

IWUA's Legislative Committee develops and reviews proposed legislation affecting water users in Idaho. The Committee has earned a reputation for finding thoughtful, collaborative solutions to some of more challenging water issues. Over the last decade, the Committee has had a 95.86% success rate (see table below).

    Legislative archives are available by contacting our office.

    68th Idaho Legislature

    1st Regular Session

    Updated March 6, 2025

    2025 Legislative Report

    2025 Legislative Session Scorecard

    Bill Number H161 (Support)

    Flood Control Districts: Updating Idaho's flood control district statutes.

    House Action: Passed 57-13-0

    Senate Action: Resources & Environment Committee

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number H191 (Oppose)

    Water Resource Board Term Limits: Setting term limits for members of the Idaho Water Resource Board.

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number H194 (Support)

    Ground Water Districts: Amending the water code to (1) authorize ground water districts to create additional divisions when annexing new lands into the district; and (2) change ground water district assessment liens and delinquency entry deadlines from January to February.

    House Action: Passed 70-0-0

    Senate Action: Resources & Environment Committee

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1040 (Support)

    Irrigation District Contracts: Amending section 43-320 to allow irrigation districts to enter contracts relating to recharge activities, even if a board member / officer has an interest in the contract, so long as no profits are shared with that director / officer.

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: Passed 35-0-0

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1041 (Support)

    Irrigation & Drainage: Amendments to section 42-909 to include "canal company and other irrigation entity" in the list of authorized entities and to make actions under the code section discretionary. 

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: Passed 35-0-0

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1061 (Support)

    Water Rights & Orders: Requiring notice and an opportunity for hearing before a new or updated conjunctive management methodology order is issued and that a final order be issued by December 1 of the season before the new or updated methodology order go into effect. 

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: Passed 34-0-1

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1064 (Support)

    Cloud Seeding: Providing reporting requirements for cloud seeding in Idaho. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 14th Order

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1082 (Support)

    Irrigation District Lien Assessment Priority: Amending section 43-706, Idaho Code, to clarify that liens for irrigation district assessments have a first priority on the property assessed. Conforms section 43-706 with sections 42-906, 42-2201 and 42-5240, which all place water delivery liens in a first priority position.

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: Passed 34-0-1

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1083a (Support)

    Domestic Water Use: Amending various code sections relating to Idaho's domestic use exemption and the use of water in subdivisions. Specifically:

    1. Allowing multiple domestic except uses to divert from a single well for in-home purposes. 
    2. Restricting the domestic exemption to in home and livestock watering in areas where the aquifer has been designated a ground water management area, critical ground water area or moratorium area.
    3. Creating a more efficient method to ensure compliance with the domestic use exemption. 
    4. Updating local government planning provisions regarding water use in subdivisions. 

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: Passed 34-0-1

    Final Action: 

    Talking Points and Q&A


    Bill Number S1084 (Support)

    Water Supply Bank & Forfeiture: Amending Idaho code to provide that the forfeiture clock begins anew when a water right is removed from the water supply bank. 

    House Action: Resources & Conservation Committee

    Senate Action: Passed 34-0-1

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number S1128 (Support)

    Water Project Funding: Governor Little's "Keeping Promises" proposal for $30 million of ongoing funds for water infrastructure projects. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 

    Water Funding Talking Points

    IWUA Letter to JFAC

    IWUA Letter Supporting S1128


    Bill Number SJM101 (Support)

    Water Storage: Expressing support for new water storage in Idaho, with specific emphasis on Teton Dam.

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: Adopted Voice Vote

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number SCR110 (Support)

    ESPA Settlement Agreement: Concurrent resolution expressing support for the 2024 ESPA Settlement Agreement and for the Water Board's efforts to update recharge goals to 350,000 acre-feet on average.

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: Adopted Voice Vote

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    IWRRI Funding: Funding for the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI) of $1.5 to $2.5 million. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 

    Stakeholder Letter Supporting Funding


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    IDWR Funding: Budget request of the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR). 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    IWUA Legislative Committee

    Legislative Committee Chair: Barney Metz

    District 1: Mike Rasmussen
     District 2: Alan Kelsch
    District 3: Kevin Christensen
     District 4: Jeff Darrington
    District 5: Rick Pearson
    District 6: Alan Hansten
     District 7: Carl Seiders
     District 8: Alan Smith
     District 9: Greg Shenton
     District 10: Kevin Lakey
     District 11: Michael Comeskey (Richard Durrant, ALT)
     District 12: Kirk Meyers

     District 13: Carl Hayes

     District 14: Chad Henggeler
     District 15: Barney Metz
     District 16: Harold Mohlman
     Associate Members: Keith Esplin

    Associate Members: Roger Warner
    At-large, Surface Water: Shawn Tischendorf

    At-large, Surface Water: Dan Davidson

    Ground Water Caucus: Shawn VanOrden

    Ground Water Caucus: Bob Turner

    Ground Water Caucus: Alan Jackson

    Ground Water Caucus: Adam Young

    Ground Water Caucus: T.J. Budge

    Contact Us: 



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    Boise, Idaho 83702

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