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Idaho Legislative Report

IWUA's Legislative Committee develops and reviews proposed legislation affecting water users in Idaho. The Committee has earned a reputation for finding thoughtful, collaborative solutions to some of more challenging water issues. Over the last decade, the Committee has had a 95.86% success rate (see table below).

    Legislative archives are available by contacting our office.

    68th Idaho Legislature

    1st Regular Session

    Bill Number RS31978 (Support)

    Lateral Manager: Amendments to section 42-909 to include "canal company and other irrigation entity" in the list of authorized entities and to make actions under the code section discretionary. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number RS31979 (Support)

    Irrigation District Lien Assessment Priority: Amending section 43-706, Idaho Code, to clarify that liens for irrigation district assessments have a first priority on the property assessed. Conforms section 43-706 with sections 42-906, 42-2201 and 42-5240, which all place water delivery liens in a first priority position.

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number RS31977 (Support)

    Irrigation District Contracts: Amending section 43-320 to allow irrigation districts to enter contracts relating to recharge activities, even if a board member / officer has an interest in the contract, so long as no profits are shared with that director / officer.

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    Domestic Well Exemption: Amending various code sections relating to Idaho's domestic use exemption and the use of water in subdivisions. Specifically:

    1. Allowing multiple domestic except uses to divert from a single well for in-home purposes. 
    2. Restricting the domestic exemption to in home and livestock watering in areas where the aquifer has been designated a ground water management area, critical ground water area or moratorium area.
    3. Creating a more efficient method to ensure compliance with the domestic use exemption. 
    4. Updating local government planning provisions regarding water use in subdivisions. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    Flood Control Districts: Updating Idaho's flood control district statutes.

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    Ground Water Districts: Amending the water code to (1) authorize ground water districts to create additional divisions when annexing new lands into the district; (2) change ground water district assessment lien and delinquency entry deadlines from January to February; and (3) authorizing water districts to install and maintain water telemetry systems.

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    Water Project Funding: Governor Little's "Keeping Promises" proposal for $30 million of ongoing funds for water infrastructure projects. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    IWRRI Funding: Funding for the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI) with $2.5 million ongoing funds. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    Bill Number TBD (Support)

    IDWR Funding: Budget request of the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR), including additional full-time employees. 

    House Action: 

    Senate Action: 

    Final Action: 


    IWUA Legislative Committee

    Legislative Committee Chair: Barney Metz

    District 1: Mike Rasmussen
     District 2: Alan Kelsch
    District 3: Kevin Christensen
     District 4: Jeff Darrington
    District 5: Rick Pearson
    District 6: Alan Hansten
     District 7: Carl Seiders
     District 8: Alan Smith
     District 9: Greg Shenton
     District 10: Kevin Lakey
     District 11: Michael Comeskey (Richard Durrant, ALT)
     District 12: Kirk Meyers

     District 13: Carl Hayes

     District 14: Chad Hennegler
     District 15: Barney Metz
     District 16: Harold Mohlman
     Associate Members: Keith Esplin

    Associate Members: Roger Warner
    At-large, Surface Water: Shawn Tischendorf

    At-large, Surface Water: Dan Davidson

    Ground Water Caucus: Shawn VanOrden

    Ground Water Caucus: Bob Turner

    Ground Water Caucus: Alan Jackson

    Ground Water Caucus: Adam Young

    Ground Water Caucus: T.J. Budge

    Contact Us: 



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    Boise, Idaho 83702

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